AVRCE schools use SchoolCash Online, a secure online payment platform, as the preferred method of payment for school items and fees. It offers families a convenient way to pay for school-related items in one place, at any time. For more information and to sign up please see https://www.avrce.ca/schoolcashonline
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Welcome to CRMS
We are one of 41 schools with the Annapolis Valley Regional School Board offering a high quality public education program. Clark Rutherford Memorial School began as a military base school. It opened in 1957. At that time, there was a primary school and a grades 4-9 school. In the early 1990's, word of CFB Cornwallis closing began to be heard. As a result, in 1993 three neighborhood schools closed and the children came to Clark Rutherford Memorial School. The enrollment at that time was 325 students. When it was built, Clark Rutherford Memorial School was named for and dedicated to Lieutenant-Commander Clark Rutherford of HMCS OTTAWA who gave his life for his country. LCDR C.A. Rutherford RCN Captain lost his life when his ship was sunk by enemy action during the Battle of the Atlantic on September 14, 1942. |
To ensure the safety of everyone in our building, we ask that all parents and other visitors to our school check in at the office. |
Please remember that all of our teachers teach reading and writing for the first 2 hours of every day. It is important that all students are at school before 8:05 am every day so that they do not miss any of this valuable teaching and learning time.
Annapolis Valley Regiona Centre for Education- System Imrovement Plan
Pre-Primary FAQ's
Parent Navigator
Changes to Gender Documentation in Schools
Restorative Practice Video: An Introduction
Parent Portal- Bus Planner
(Check your child’s school bus information anytime using the BusPlanner Web Parent Portal.
Online resources for Mental Health for students, families and staff
Volunteer Application Form
Volunteer- Criminal Records Check Form
Volunteer- Child Abuse Register Request for a Search Form A
Bus Safty and Information for Families
Provincial School Code of Conduct Policy
Children and Family Services Act: DUTY TO REPORT
Provincial Policy for Interviewing Children by Child Protection Social Workers in Public Schools
Student Protection Policy (new)